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EYEVAN Webb (45)

EYEVAN Webb (45)

Regular price ¥46,200 JPY
Regular price Sale price ¥46,200 JPY
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VAN, the brand that laid the foundation for Japanese fashion culture, was launched in 1972 with the concept of "wearable glasses."

Being a brand with a fashion context, the color variations of the plastic frames are very abundant compared to other eyeglass brands. We have selected these colors because we believe they are the most versatile and versatile when viewed as a total fashion item.

■ Product details
Model: Webb
Size: 45□22-145
Material: Acetate
The rounded bosslint shape on a trapezoid base makes this a timeless model that is easy for many to wear. It is an iconic EYEVAN model that was released in the first collection when EYEVAN was revived in 2018. It is available in two sizes, 45 and 47, so you can choose the one that suits your taste.

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